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Top 3 Sufi Poets

1. Bulleh Shah
         Bulleh shah was born in uch, Bahawalpur. His real name was Abdullah Shah. He was a Punjabi Sufi poet, a humanist and philosopher. Bulleh Shah's poetry reflects a turbulent period in punjabi history and highlights his mystical spiritual journey.
                              For me there is nobody else but u
           Though i search every forest, plain and desert
                                Though i search the entire world
                                                     Enter my courtyard

2. Amir Khusro
        He was a musician, scholar and poet of Persian descent. A Sufi mystic and a spiritual disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya of Delhi. Amir Khusro was not only a notable poet but also a prolific musician. He wrote poetry primarily in Persian but also in Hindi.

I have become you, and you me
             I am the body, you soul
So that no one can say hereafter
                                    That you are someone, and me someone else

3. Madhu Lal Hussain
        Shah Hussain is commonly known as Madhu Lal Hussain, the legend being that he adopted his Hindu friend Madhu Lal's name to immortalize their friendship. His poetry is full of symbolism. Some of his most famous kafis future the charkha, as in those days foreign merchants used to sell cotton, which the poor later weaved into cloth.

They alone know what is love and longing
                           Who have it in their lives
                  Like digging a well in dry land
           With no cart to carry away the sand


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