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Showing posts from May, 2019

The Book of Success

The Book Of success: The compound effect by Darren hardy is a powerful book that i highly recommend for you to read. You will learn the principles of achieving greater success in you life. Now i know that you've heard the term success secrets in every book, article and video you've watched, however in this book i truly believe that success boils down to this one key principl.     The compound effect This is the book that showed me why i was falling of tha wagon, and it has nothing to do with my goals per se, it was how i was setting my goals. You could say that i usually set myself up for failure by making huge lifestyle changes that are absolutely unsustainable (well in the manner i was approaching them atleast), and in this book Darren Hardy walks you through the steps of making small changes today, that create big changes in the future.

What Are The Secrets Behind Successful People?

We all want success. We want to be successful and feel successful. we chase money, fame, power, education, relationships and a thousand other things without ever stopping to ask one essential Question: What Actually, Is Success? For me, ''Success is spending the majority of my time focused on work or tasks that are fulfilling, leveraging my zone of genius, maximizing my potential and helping other people in a meaningful way while providing the freedom, lifestyle and experience that i desire.'' In my observation, in every profession there are two types of people. 1.   PEOPLE WITH SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE BUT HAVE LOW VALUES.       First i need to explain What is Low Morality? This means lack of appreciation of Values generally thought good and taken as reference at times by people.     People with skills and experience but have low values will not be successful, Because the weakness of an individual with a Low sense of Morals is that they a...

Why Japanese Companies performed Better ?

William Ouchi made a study of Japanese companies and compared them with companies in the US. His aim was to identify the reasons why Japanese companies performed better than US companies, and the reasons why Japanese companies produced better-quality products than US competitors and achieved much better productivity. Ouchi was not the first management theorist to suggest that companies in other countries could learn from the success of Japanese companies. However, his work is notable because he suggested that the mos efficient type of organisation for the US might be one that combined feature of 'typical' US and Japanese companies. His study of Japanese companies found that in Japan: Managers have a high level of trust on their workers.                                                                      ...

7 Rules of Achievement

           Achievement-motivated individuals are usually the ones who make things happen and get        results.                 These are 7 rules of achievement. They set goals that can influence (so the goals are achievable): this is a characteristic of successful businessmen and entrepreneurs.                                                                                                         They consider achievement more important than financial rewards.                                               ...

Top 3 Sufi Poets

1. Bulleh Shah           Bulleh shah was born in uch, Bahawalpur. His real name was Abdullah Shah. He was a Punjabi Sufi poet, a humanist and philosopher. Bulleh Shah's poetry reflects a turbulent period in punjabi history and highlights his mystical spiritual journey.                                       For me there is nobody else but u            Though i search every forest, plain and desert                                 Though i search the entire world                                                      Enter my courtyard 2. Amir Khusro         He was a musician, scholar and poet of...