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Rules followed by Jeff Bezos in his life

Jeff Bezos born on 12 January 1964,is an american technology entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist. He is the founder, chairman, CEO and president of Amazon.
 On July 27 2017, became the world's wealthiest person when his estimated net worth increase to just over $90 billion. Bezos's wealth surpassed for the first time on November 24 2017 and he was formally designated the wealthiest person in the world by Forbes on March 6 2018 with a net   worth of $112 billion.

In this article, you will learn timeless strategies from a man who built an internet company from nothing to one of the largest company in the world.


 Jeff invented  what he calls the '' Regret minimization framework '' to decide whether to stay at   his sale job or to start his own company. He considered what he would regret more on his death bed.   he knew he would regret  not taking a stab at the internet, versus leasing his sale job. It was a tough   decision because he was not young and he had the family to support.


Jeff set projections that he deemed was 1994, his company was on course to love over $300000 that year. He told his investors that he projected that by $2000, they will get $60 million in sales if they did well and $100 million if they did very well. By $2000 they were doing $1 billion.


While most companies focus on competitors, Jeff bezos thinks that its not the right way go. he advises young entrepreneurs to get obsessed about customers instead of focusing on competitors. his words also reflect his mindset when he said. " The most important single thing is to focus obsessively on the customer. Our goal is to earth's most customer-centrist company."


Jeff Bezos is a big advocate of smaller groups. this is where the two pizza rule comes in. according to Jeff, the perfect size of a group working on a single task should not exceed the number of people that can be fed by two pizzas. in simple words, the group should neither be small nor be large.


The idea of how u can be flexible and stubborn at the same time should sounds very confusing. Because both these words are opposite to each other . Thankfully! Jeff explained this in his own words when he said " if you are not stubborn, you will give up on experiments soon. If you are not flexible, you will pound your head against the wall and you will not see a different solution to a problem you are trying to solve."


Find a way to create something unique. Most businesses simply continue an existing culture, adding to it much as a childhood pack snow onto fort during the winter to stabilize its walls. Don't just add onto something else, create your own culture by building up a business or something similar that is its own entity


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